Saturday, June 10, 2006

Nude cyclists?!?

I witnessed something very odd this afternoon...
I was meeting up with a friend at the Starbucks on the corner of Robson and Jervis in downtown Vancouver. We were discussing the issues and I was giving her a bit of a hand with her homework when all of a sudden out of nowhere, I see this line of cyclists who are wearing ABSOLUTELY nothing cycling down Robson Street.. people were just staring them in disbelief as they were cycling by. After doing some research later, I discovered that it was the "World Naked Bikeride." It turns out it is essentially a protest against people using their cars and reducing emissions. It is definitely a good cause although I must admit that it was totally unexpected. Let's hope that their efforts are not in vain. That should teach those idiots with their H-1 Hummers and big honking SUVs a thing or two...


At 10:55 AM, Blogger Joe said...

Ewwwwwwww. Thanks for not posting photos. BTW, Sista K replied to one of your comments on her blog. Go check it out.


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