Tuesday, May 30, 2006

False Alarm

I had a bit of a scary experience leaving work today this evening. Currently, I am teaching an evening class on Mondays until 7:30pm. I am usually the last one to leave the school so I had to lock up. Normally when I lock up I have to arm the alarm system on the school's front door. Well, I pushed the wrong button on the control pad and didn't arm it properly so when I left the building, the sirens came on and within minutes there were police cars at the scene.. I had to explain to them that I was an employee who was leaving late and had punched the wrong button when leaving. The police called the principal of the school and she confirmed to them that everything was alright and that I really was an employee. Fortunately, nothing bad happened but it was scary there for a few moments especially when the cop cars came.
I'll have to be more diligent in the future...


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